

讲座题目:Perfect Codes in Cayley Graphs



讲座地点:腾讯会议136 701 019






  A perfect code in a graph Γ = (V, E) is a subset C of V that is an independent set such that every vertex in V \ C is adjacent to exactly one vertex in C. A total perfect code in Γ is a subset C of V such that every vertex of V is adjacent to exactly one vertex in C. A perfect code in the Hamming graph H(n, q) agrees with a q-ary perfect 1-code of length n in the classical setting. In this talk we study perfect codes and total perfect codes in Cayley graphs, with a focus on when a subgroup of a given group is a perfect code or a total perfect code in a Cayley graph of the group. Furthermore, a necessary and sufficient condition for a circulant graph (a Cayley graph on cyclic groups) of degree p-1 (or degree pl -1) to admit a perfect code is given in this talk, where p is a

prime and pl the largest power of p dividing n.