简怀玉,湖南省邵阳市新邵县人。现任bat365官方网站教授。1994年清华大学博士毕业,2000年7月被被该校提为教授、2001年3月被聘为博士生导师。 获2001年教育部跨世纪优秀人才称号;2004-2008被选为中国工业与应用数学学会常务理事和秘书长。作为高级访问学者,于2000年9月至2001年7月在哈佛大学研习几何分析。曾应邀访问意大利国际理论物理中心、比萨大学、香港科大学、香港中大学、新加坡国立大学、澳大利亚国立大学、美国斯坦福大学、布朗大学、密西根大学、加州大学伯克利分校、田纳西大学、康涅狄克大学等等,进行半年以上的学术合作研究或短期讲学。曾有的主要学术兼职:意大利国际理论物理中心Associate Member、《Fronts of Mathematics in China》、《东北数学》、《中国数学进展》等学术杂志的编委。现任中国工业与应用数学学会常务理事、《应用数学学报》、《纯粹数学和应用数学》编委。
简怀玉的研究方向是非线性偏微分方程和几何分析,主要研究来源于自然科学、工程技术等应用领域以及微分几何和凸几何中的非线性椭圆和抛物偏微分方程。发表了80多篇论文,其中包括Amer J Math、Adv in Math、J. Differential Geometry、J. Reine Angew Math (Crell)、Siam J.Appl.Math、Siam J.Math Anal、J Functional Analysisi、 Calc Var &PDE、 J. Differential Equations、Indiana Univ. Math J等国际上重要的杂志; 部分结果被一些著名数学家(其中菲尔兹获得者2人国、际数学家大会1小时大会报告人4人、45分钟邀请报告9人)在Acta Math、Anal Math、J.Amer Math Soc、J.Europe Math Soc、Amer J.Math、Adv in Math、J. Differential Geometry、 J. Reine Angew Math (Crell)、Comm Pure Appl Math、 Comm Math phsy、Math Ann、 Arch Rat Mech Anal等国际一流杂志上引用. 菲尔兹奖获得者Figalli A在其专著《 The Moneg-Ampère equation and its applications》中用了7页篇幅(P.130-136)介绍了简怀玉与汪徐家合作发表一篇论文的方法与结论。
2000.7—2024.1: 清华大学数学系教授;
3. 2013年,清华大学优秀博士论文二等奖指导教师奖;
1. 2022—2026, 国家自然科学科学基金重点专项项目(No. 12141103),Monge-Ampere方程研究及其相关研究,330万, 主持人:简怀玉
2.2018—2021,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 11771237),两类Monge-Ampere方程的研究,50万,主持人:简怀玉
3.2013—2018,国家自然科学基金重大项目(No.41390452),非常规油气介质中波传播的数学物理模型及其求解, 350万, 主要成员:杨顶辉,简怀玉等7人
4. 2011—2016,国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 11131005) ,非线性椭圆和抛物型方程,220万,主要成员:陈化,简怀玉等6人
5. 2006—2010,国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 10631020),非线性椭圆和抛物型方程,200万,主要成员:洪家兴,陈化,简怀玉等6人
6. 2001—2004,国家教育部跨世纪人才基金(No. JKH-[2001]-3),30万,主持人:简怀玉
7. 2000—2005,国家科技部首届973项目(No. G1999075), 约2000万,
主持人:姜伯驹, 参与人:全国数学界约60名骨干成员.
[1] Jian Huaiyu, Wang Xianduo,Sharp boundary regularity for some degerate-singular Monge-Ampère equations on K-convex domain, J. Differential Equations, 382(2024), 97-114.
[2] Zhu Yongxing, Bao Weizhu, Jian Huaiyu, A Quantized vortex dynamics of nonlinear Schrodinger equations on torus with non-vanishing momentum, Physica D,453(2023), 133812
[3] Jian Huaiyu, Tu Xushan, Liouville theorem for Neumann problem of Monge-Ampère equation. J. Funct. Anal., 284 (2023) 109817, 1–52.
[4]Jian Huaiyu, Wang Xianduo, Generalized Liouville theorem for viscous solutions to a singular Monge-Ampère equation. Advance in Nonlinear Anal., 12(2023): 20220284, 1–11.
[5] Jian Huaiyu, Lu Jian, Wang Xu-Jia, Boundary expansion of solutions to nonlinear singular elliptic equations. Science China Math., 65 (2022), no.1, 9-30.
[6] Jian Huaiyu, Li You, Global regularity for minimal graphs in hyperbolic space. J. Differential Equations, 271 (2021), 963-978.
[7] Jian Huaiyu, Lu Jian, Existence of solutions to the Orlicz-Minkowski problem. Adv. Math., 344 (2019), 262–288.
[8] Jian Huaiyu, Li You, Optimal boundary regularity for a singular Monge- Ampère equation. J. Differential Equations , 264 (2018), no. 11, 6873–6890.
[9] Jian Huaiyu, Lu Jian, Wang Xu-Jia, A priori estimates and existence of solutions to the prescribed centroaffine curvature problem. J. Funct. Anal. 274 (2018), no. 3, 826–862.
[10] Jian Huaiyu, Wang Xu-Jia, Zhao Yuwen, Global smoothness for a singular Monge-Ampère equation. J. Differential Equations, 263 (2017), no. 11, 7250–7262
[11] Jian Huaiyu, Lu Jian, Zhu Guangxian, Mirror symmetric solutions to the centro-affine Minkowski problem. Calc.Var.Partial Differential Equations, 55 (2016), no. 2, Art. 41, 22 pp.
[12] Lu Jian, Jian Huaiyu, Topological degree method for the rotationally symmetric Lp-Minkowski problem. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst., 36 (2016), no.2, 971–980.
[13] Jian Huaiyu, Lu Jian, Wang Xu-Jia, Nonuniqueness of solutions to the Lp-Minkowski problem. Adv. Math., 281 (2015), 845–856.
[14]Jian Huaiyu, Wang Xu-Jia, Optimal boundary regularity for nonlinear singular elliptic equations. Adv. Math., 251(2014),111-126.
[15] Jian Huaiyu, Wang Xu-Jia, Entire solutions of Monge- Ampère equation and translating solutions to Gauss curvature flow. American J. Math., 136 (2014), no.4, 1093-1106.
[16] Bao Weizhu, Jian Huaiyu, Norbert J., Zhang Yong, Dimension reduction of the Schrodinger equation with Coulomb and anisotropic confining potentials. SIAM J. Appl. Math., 73(2013) no.6, 2100-2123.
[17] Jian Huaiyu, Wang Xu-Jia, Bernstein theorem and regularity for a class of Monge-Ampère equation. J. Differential Geometry, 93(2013), 431-469.
[18] Jian Huaiyu, Ju Hongjie, Existence of Translating solutions to the flow by the powers of mean curvature on unbounded domains. J. Differential Equations, 250 (2011), 3957-3987.
[19] Ju Hongjie, Lu Jian, Jian Huaiyu, Translating solutions to mean curvature flow with a forcing term in Minkowski Space. Comm. Pure Appl. Anal., 9 (2010), 963-973.
[20] Gui Changfeng, Jian Huaiyu, Ju Hongjie, Properties of translating solutions to mean curvature flow. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 28 (2010) no.2, 441-453.
[21] Liu Yannan, Jian Huaiyu, Evolution of spacelike hypersurfaces by mean curvature minus external force field in Minkowski space. Advanced Nonlinear Studies, 9 (2009), 513- 522.
[22] Chen Xiuqing, Chen Li, Jian Huaiyu, Existence, Semiclassical Limit and Long-time Behavior of Weak Solution to Quantum Drift-diffusion Model. Nonlinear Analysis, Real World Application, 20 (2009), 1321-1342.
[23] Jian Huaiyu, Liu Yannan, Long-time existence of mean curvature flow with external force field. Pacific J. Math., 234 (2008), 311-324.
[24] Jian Huaiyu, Wang Xu-Jia, Continuity estimates for the Monge-Ampère equation. SIAM J. Math. Anal., 39 (2007), 608-626.
[25] Jian Huaiyu, Translating solitons of mean curvature flow of noncompact spacelike hypersurfaces in Minkowski space. J. Differential Equations, 220 (2006), 147-162.
[26] Guan Bo, Jian Huaiyu, Schoen R., Entire spacelike convex hypersurfaces of constant Gauss curvature in Minkowski space. J. Reine Angew. Math., 595 (2006), 167-188.
[27] Jian Huaiyu, Hessian equations with Infinite Dirichlet Boundary Value. Indiana Univ. Math. J., 55 (2006), 1045-1062.
[28] Guan Bo, Jian Huaiyu, The Monge-Ampère equation with infinite boundary value. Pacific J. Math., 216 (2004), 77-84.
[29] Jian Huaiyu, Song Bingheng, The Vortex dynamics of a Ginzburg-Landau system in inhomogeneous supperconductors. J. Differential Equations, 170 (2001), 123-141.
[30] Jian Huaiyu, On the homogenization of degenerate parabolic equations. Acta Math Appl. Sinica. New Ser., 16 (2000) no.1, 100-110.
[31] Jian Huaiyu, Wang Xiaoping, Hsiech D. Y., The global attractor of a dissipative nonlinear system. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 238 (1999), 124-142.
[32] Jian Huaiyu, Deforming convex hypersurfaces to the hypersurfaces with prescribed harmonic mean curvature. Sci. China Ser. A, 42 (1999) no.10, 1059-1066.
[33] Hsiao L., Jian Huaiyu, On the asymptotic behaviour of initial boundary value problems in one-dimensional nonlinear thermoviscoelasticity. Chinese Math. Ann. (Ser B) ,18 (1998) no.2, 143-152.
[34] Hsiao L., Jian Huaiyu, Global smooth solutions to the spatially periodic Cauchy problem for dissipative nonlinear evolution equations. J. Math. Anal. Appl., 213 (1997), 262-274.